Crankcase Optimiser
The Guardian Controls Crankcase Heater Optimiser (CCH) has been specifically developed to reduce the energy consumed by compressor crankcase heaters.

Product Detail
Compressor crankcase heaters being on when they’re not required is a continual source of energy, especially for idle packs. The CCH continually assesses the pack pressures and plant room temperatures to determine if it’s safe to inhibit the crank case heater power. Further energy savings can be made by inhibiting the ventilation fans if conditions allow.
The CCH can monitor and optimise crankcase heaters for up to 10 compressors on a pack and 1 ventilation fan. Assessing the plant room temperatures and pack pressures is vital to avoid oil slugging and flood back.
Savings of up to 75% can be delivered.
Key Benefits
- Annual Energy Savings of up to 75%
- Straight forward retrofit to existing packs as part of any energy saving programme.
- Compatible with existing control equipment.
- Oil slugging and floodback safeguards
Suitable for reciprocating or scroll compressor packs.
Up to 10 compressors per pack.
LCD display with configuration button.
Slim vertical fitting enclosure.
Kit includes all necessary probes, cables and glands for installation.
RS485 Modbus Communication.
IPM-04 Ethernet Communications.
28 Day Rolling Data Log.
Inbuilt Energy Saved Values.
Use in Conjunction With
GC-45 Pack Controller
Guardian’s control methodologies can save up to 40% of energy typically used by refrigeration compressor packs. The GC45 delivers stable pack control and energy optimisation.