Cold Room Optimisation
Guardian Controls has invested significant time and resources assessing the energy efficiency of cold and freezer rooms, both the control and the operations/processes. On the back of this research we’ve developed and released a number of new energy saving products.
Our new FSO delivers energy savings of 36%, verified

Our new cold room energy products are delivering real savings for customers. We’ve delivered the savings we’ve quoted; data and savings have been verified by 3rd parties. Installation is quick and simple. Our products are compatible with existing control/monitoring equipment and in the main non-intrusive with the day to day operations of cold and freezer rooms.
Our new cold room products are perfect for retrofit, as part of an energy reduction initiative. We’ve also released additional versions which are ideal for new stores or refits to give you energy efficiency from day one. Our products are modular; they can be applied to a single room site or for roll out across a large group.
Having completed two large scale rolls outs for two of the largest supermarket groups in the UK we know our new cold room products work, they’re delivering real savings and installation is straight forward. We’ve learned further from these two programmes allowing us to tailor new solutions for customers where they felt savings just weren’t possible.